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Kevin Mercer
Student Example: Another Custom Circuit!
Tech Studio student, Jacquline C., designed and etched this dragon circuit, then programmed a fun and energetic fire-breathing animation....

Kevin Mercer
Student Example: Custom Circuit
Ryan N., a current Tech Studio student, designed and etched this big dipper circuit board and programmed an animated light light show....

Kevin Mercer
Prototyping Circuit Boards, Adding Laser Cut Display
This is a sample for a project in a brand new class I'm teaching called Tech Studio. It combines traditional art making practices with...

Kevin Mercer
Obstacle-Avoiding Arduino Robot
This robot was built by a student assistant during the inaugural OPEN Space Art Immersion Experience at Hastings College. For one week,...

Kevin Mercer
Cardi B on the Small Screen
Money Bag, 2019. Cardi B lyrics, pop culture references, and other Easter eggs displayed as a rudimentary ''video'' with an Arduino and...

Kevin Mercer
CNC Pen Plotter: Selecting the Brain
An Arduino board seems to be a pretty straightforward, affordable option for driving the plotter. For this build, I am using a Keyestudio...
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